December 1, 2023
1 min read

You Don't Need A Logo


The timeline starts with discovery, where we figure out who we are and what we do.

Most importantly, who is it for?

We can then create a story that resonates with the desires of those we serve.

Like cargo on a ship, we can transport our ideas from one port to the next.

But ideas are best distributed when we have an anchor.

An anchor disguised as 3 letters – one word.

It can be written in your sales copy.

Posted boldly on the office wall.

Laid out on your business card or translated with a smile.

“Why” is the question that broadens our horizons and exaggerates the possibilities within design.

“Why” is purpose and beliefs beyond profits.

Who we are, What we do, Who we do it for and Why, are cardinal directions on your voyage towards your next port of call.

The Logo.

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